Preschool Program
Today was the end of the year program for Spunky's preschool class. It was quite an accomplishment for our little Spunky to actually BE in the performance. The mid-year program is quickly becoming a faded memory and for that I am glad.
She did great in this one. No crying because she didn't get to be a pioneer instead of an indian. No coming to sit on my lap because she was scared. No threatening for me to take her out of preschool because why was I paying money for her to cry. That was left up to another kid today. Phew! It's amazing what a bribe to go to Wendy's for lunch can do!
True to form for the BES household, our camcorder died. Then our camera died. Note to us...charge the batteries.
We did get a few shots and thanks to my bff, I do have a few extra shots AND an exclusive of the entire program. I heart her.
One of my favorite things about the program is that I know all of the songs! I sang them when I was in preschool. How crazy is that???? I almost cry when I hear them. My kids are carrying on a tradition! Marching in...That's my flag!
And she said "When sings are hard for us we just say, I sink I can, I sink I can, I sink I can."
Ringing her bell to "Hot Cross Buns"
Here is she is Jack's better half, Jill.
Oh, how cute is she. I really need to get you a copy of the program so you can all watch it together. She was ADORABLE throught the whole thing! She kept grinning and waving at you, and the way she was "counting" to the days of the week song was priceless.
She definitely was Jack's better half! She did so many things during the program that made the whole thing darling. You have an adorable, sweet girl!
Way to go Spunky! She looks so cute! I like Wendy's too. Great bribe.
Those are some adorable pictures. your kids have such great personalities, I just love them all. cute, cute, cute.
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