She is a tricky one...that Rosie.
Our dog knows two tricks.
Sit and
How to dig up worms from the lawn. She can hunt them down and grabs a hold of one end and then slurps them up like a strand of spaghetti.
Anyone wanna go fishing?
Our dog knows two tricks.
Sit and
How to dig up worms from the lawn. She can hunt them down and grabs a hold of one end and then slurps them up like a strand of spaghetti.
Anyone wanna go fishing?
12:01 PM
Poor worms! They're probably thinking "What the heck just got me!?!?" They're blind so they can't see Rosie coming. Poor, poor worms. Keep her away from our snake...
Now that needs to videotaped and put on You Tube.
EWW!! *gag*
Good idea Sketchy. I am totally going to stalk her with our video camera this week.
Sketchy wins!
Pardon my whilst I puke!
Hey! That's a cool trick. You should video tape it and send it to one of those funny animal video shows :)
I want see a picture! No wonder dogs have such bad breath.
Does anybody else hear a verse or two of "Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me" coming on? That's kind of on the gross side.
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