Happy Birthday ItyBtyFrog!!!!
Once upon a time, in a land known as high school, there were two maidens that had a chance meeting. One was named Stephanie, the other, Itybtyfrog.

Stephanie and Ity became instant friends. They had so much in common, but enough differences to keep their friendship interesting. Ity was lovely. She had honey colored hair that went down to her waist and beautiful eyes.

More lovely than her outward appearance was who she was on the inside. Ity was all of the things that every young maiden ought to be. She was kind, generous, spiritual, loyal, graceful, funny and intune to those around her.
Through the years, Stephanie and Ity became closer and closer. They shared going to many dances (many that I can't show pictures of because of ex-boyfriends we would rather forget),
Through the years, Stephanie and Ity became closer and closer. They shared going to many dances (many that I can't show pictures of because of ex-boyfriends we would rather forget),

the same group of silly girlfriends (we are the ones circled in red),

jobs (see that, she is Beauty and me...a rock),

friends, graduation, college, classes, a love of life and of learning, everything but boyfriends...even that came close sometimes. There were secret signals, Hogi Yogi sweat nights,
trips to far off lands like St. George and Vegas,

breaking up with boyfriends (whenever I see that scar on my elbow from roller-blading, it is Ity I remember fondly...not the idiots we were with.),

engagements (aren't they a perfect couple?),

marriages (She was my Maid of Honor and I was her Matron of Honor--married 20 days apart),

babies (the backs of our kiddos are darling!),
dogs, and now blogs.
Ity was, and still is everything that I want to be. Her life has met some challenges that the rest of us cannot begin to comprehend and she has faced them with a grace and dignity that I envy. She is amazingly creative, a fantastic mother, an excellent homemaker, a lovely wife, a forgiving friend, a spiritual giant and one of the most well-rounded people I have had the chance to meet. Her only flaw is that she doesn't give herself enough credit.
I have been lucky to call Ity my friend for the past fourteen years. She is the friend I have had the longest and a friend that I hope to keep forever.
Ity was, and still is everything that I want to be. Her life has met some challenges that the rest of us cannot begin to comprehend and she has faced them with a grace and dignity that I envy. She is amazingly creative, a fantastic mother, an excellent homemaker, a lovely wife, a forgiving friend, a spiritual giant and one of the most well-rounded people I have had the chance to meet. Her only flaw is that she doesn't give herself enough credit.
I have been lucky to call Ity my friend for the past fourteen years. She is the friend I have had the longest and a friend that I hope to keep forever.

Today (Friday) she turns thirty. Come out of the lurking closet and Go and visit her blog and wish her well. She deserves it!
Happy Birthday Ity!
Happy Birthday Ity!

You will always be older than me.
Wow ... what an awesome friendship you have. It is not very often that a friend like Ity comes along ... nor clearly, a friend like YOU!!!
It takes a good friend to be a good friend!! :)
I posted a comment earlier... sorry you didn't get it.
I loved your story. You two are so darling. What a blessing to have good and righteous friends to look up to. I am sure she feels the same way about you!
What a beautiful tribute! Happy B-day to your friend! (and I'll visit her blog to say the same)
I'm envious of a frienship like that! Those pictures are great!
That is so sweet! I love both of your blogs and sounds like BOTH of you are amazing people. You are so lucky to have such a great friend-- what a wonderful post.
Great tribute to a lasting friendship!!!
That was really sweet, you are lucky to have such a great friend! and to be one.
This was really beautiful. I wish I had more pictures with my dear friends. Consider yourself blessed! :)
What a sweet post! It's so wonderful to have friends that you know you can hold on to forever!
Great post Stephanie! I did one for her too! :D
Those pictures are just precious! You are so lucky to have such an amazing freindship!
What a great friendship! It's neat that you have so many pictures to document how much you've gone through together in life. Thanks for sharing. What a nice friend you are!
What a Gret post, what a lovely tribute to your friend. You are both so blessed.
Stupid boys LOL.
Thanks for sharing that!
Oh gosh-- it could be the story of us! Me and my best friend- :) I hope yours had a most wonderful birthday...
I had NO idea that ya'll were real life friends. That rocks. Aww and all those pictures! WOW. I can just about guess what year ya'll graduated high school by the pictures. SO cute. And I have to say Stephanie. You BOTH are beautiful!!
I love these photos!!! What a wonderful friend, and such sweet birthday wishes!
If you want to post some more photos, be sure to stop by & participate in a Photo Tag of Your Mom here!
SO SWEET! And I just now fianlly figure out the conenction between you guys,? Lol!
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