
Because I am getting tired

Two phones, a camera, six dog toys, countless pacifiers, three sippy cups, a kitchen rug and a kitchen full of garbage later...

Notice the "HE"



Katherine said...

I love it! I wish I had a pantry when me kids were at that stage. what a good idea. I can't tell you howmany pairs of church shoes we bought for one child in particular before I noticed them in the garbage (one at a time of course, we just couldn't ever find a pair that matched.

Bilary said...

We've lost so many things to the garbage can. And keeping the pantry door shut does no good either. There is always someone older to help them get the door open! GAH!

That's classic!

Picture Perfect said...

Just one more thing to keep you going right?

Candace said...

Story of my life! (Hmmm, are our children the same age or something?)

Anonymous said...

We haven't had that happen at our house yet. I will make sure I keep the garbage put away!

Mattsmom said...

You are genius. Hopefully he gets the HINT. I LOVE having a pantry with doors that close to keep out curious toddlers.

Monkey Fingers and Toes said...

Just curious, Has it worked? Hints don't work at my house. LOL

Monkey Fingers and Toes said...

Just curious, Has it worked? Hints don't work at my house. LOL

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Sweetie! :D (Yes it worked - talk about good communication. Blatant hints seem to work well for me.)