
As a Side Note...

Don't leave cauliflower in the microwave and forget about it. Three days later your house will smell like death.


Char @ Crap I've Made said...


Sorry Val and I missed you on Friday!

Unknown said...

Gee. I thought that was only the case for quesedillas with blue cheese on it. Not that I know anything about that. :-)

Fun site; as a former SLC gal, it's nice to see someone in the area!

The Domesticator said...

Oh boy...I guess it could be worse...it could have been fish...

Millie said...

Oh SICK! That is hilarious!

BTW, Ivana P., I talked about you in my RS lesson today, about your challenge to write the childhood/school thing. I'm getting a reputation in my ward for being a complete geek. Every time I said the word "blog" the entire room broke out in titters (which are softer and funnier than giggles). ;)

Dawnyel said...

Gross...thanks for the tip! *snickering*

Nicole said...

I can't even imagine the smell that let off. NASTO!!!!

Super Happy Girl said...

What a nasty surprise.

Mall Worker said...

I'm sorry, but that is hilarious! Death is defenatly the right word for it!

Chrissy said...

Yesterday, I found 8 washcloths in a cooler--wet, from the dugout of a baseball game in June.

Not quite 3 day-old cauliflower, but close!

Jenn said...

hahahahaha!! I've soaked beans overnight in my oven and forget about them for two days.

Gabriela said...


Gina said...

Wow, now how does one remove the smell of death?

Blackeyedsue said...

Febreeze honey, lots and lots of Febreeze. Glade too. I am finding that neutraair is magic.

Shhhhhhhh! said...

Thank you for the tip. The one thing around here is my kids don't like califlower. LOL

The Amazing Trips said...

Oh, that's divine. My inlaws once kept the plastic bag that shrimp comes in (with the remnants of cleaned 'tails') and incorrectly assuming we wanted to "save the bag" they tucked it in to the space between our refrigerator and counter. Three days later, I was ready to put the house on the market for sale and move far away ... before we figured out where the "offensive" odor was emanating from.

What an awesome mom you have to take all the kids for a night away. I'm envious! :)

Hope the potty training is going better this week.

utmommy said...

I'll have to remember never to do that.

By the way, I really am not a totally space case. I didn't check my blog until Monday late afternoon because I spent the entire day at cub scout camp. Fun for me. I would've loved to meet up with you guys. I really want to get together some time.