Things I have learned the hard way...and it's only Tuesday
-When that little light tells you you need gas, you probably should get some.
-Three diapers WILL NOT last one and a half days and one night.
-Five little girls ages 6, 5, 5, 2 & 2 do not make for a fun trip to the grocery store to purchase afore mentioned diapers.
-Vacuums in left in doorways before going to bed and toes in the middle of the night DO NOT mix!
-Without water, plants WILL die.
-Eggs from dinner the night before do not wash off the pan as easily the next day.
-Clothes left inadvertently in the washer will sour by morning.
-Always go to the bathroom before you go for a morning walk.
-When kids jump on the bed before bedtime it probably means they won't go to bed for hours.
Taking 5 kids below age 7 to the store... you nutty girl. Life is nothing if not an education, huh?
That trip to the store sounds like pure insanity! That diaper bit though, that cracked me up!
I will endeavor to remember all these life lessons…except for the diaper bit, no worries there.
:D On the plus side, you are probably done learning for this week, right?, it's all coasting from here on
Wow, and like you said, "it's only Tuesday"! Live and learn I always say. :)
Thank you for sharing your wisdom! And I'm glad your back! I love your sticheries! You must post how you do the tea dye thing. Hope your toes are feeling better!
Every single word of that is true! Every one! I love it! :-)
It is a diaper epidemic! Okay maybe not that bad, but we ran out too! I tell you five diapers will not last 18 hours!!!
ughhh to many lessons- wealways learn them the hard way
I hope #1 and #3 were not concurrent, and that the week takes a dramatic turn for the better.
I took five kids to the store a few weeks ago. It was the insanest ten minutes of my life. One of the things I was there to buy were pg tests. After a couple of minutes of chasing down all of my little chickies, I didn't even dare show up at the register with pg tests!
oh, it sounds like it's been a bad day. I have those ALL the time. Wish you lived closer I would've gotten the diapers for you.
Sounds like some of the lessons that I have had over the years. But I seem to still be working with the vaccuum and toes one, but that is because my older kids leave it out. :)
Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like you've had a crazy week. I hope it gets better! :)
Can I just say "ditto" on everything? Especially the plants dieing without water (when will I learn?), leaving clothes in the washer (how many days is it?) and taking children to the store (torture, shear torture). And all this happened before Tuesday? You have my sincere condolances.
I agree with Gabriela, Live and Learn. Sorry your week is so crazy. Hopefully it'll get better.
Yeah, I hate going to the store with just a baby, let alone 5 moving busy bodies! Sorry you had a rough day. I hope the week got better. Ah, it's finally the weekend... the yard work calls, ick.
I learned a lot of those very same things this week. I'm not even kidding!
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