This is too cool! You have to check it out!
Okay, I went to my favorite local website and they had a link to a place called My Heritage. You do have to register (I just use my aim address that I have specifically for all the spam I get), but you upload your picture and it tells you which celebrity you look like. It was fun; I don't know how accurate it is, because it said I most resemble R3ne Russ0...LOL. Too cool...I'll take that!
By the way...if this is at all accurate, I am married to J-K Jr. Aren't I the lucky one. children are Br1tney Spe@rs..
YIKES!! and M@ry-k@te O1sen.
So now I am curious...who do you resemble. Try it and let me know.
fun! apparently both my 16 mo son and I look like Christina Ricci.
Valarie: That is too funny. My neighbor did this to her and her kids and they all came out looking like Christina Ricci.
Itybtyfrog: I don't think you resemble her at all. I think, and always have, that you look like the girl that plays the pretty wicked stepsister in "Everafter"; she was STUNNING in that film, just like you. You look like her in that. I have a picture of us when we went to the university's "Dead Man's party" and we were dressed as princesses, you could have passed for her twin...the pretty twin. I also did mine with a couple of different pictures (smiling, not smiling, camera above, camera below, not quite straight on, hair pulled back, hair down). One of them said I looked like Daryl Hannah...SCARY!!!I obviously didn't use that one. I used a bunch of pictures until I found the one that I liked! ;) See what a cheater I am! Also there is a little cursor on the box that pops up that shows more people on the scale. You should flip through those.
I'M DYING!! This is hilarious!! I did a pic of me with my husband's aunt. (It's on my blog...somewhere!!) And I'm supposed to look like Drew Barymore...that's not the funny part!! His Aunt....she's Ernest Shackleton!! I'M DYING!!
So cool! Going to do it later today. I'll let you know.
So, funny! I didn't have any straight on pictures on this computer of me, but did the rest of my family. We kept getting Star Trek actors. Who knew my son looked like Patrick Stewart!
I did that once. I need to do it again, especially with a pic of Cam!
Apparently, I look like Brittney Spears little sister. Who knew?
CooL!!! I dont think Rene Russo is far off,I can see it. It said Shannen Dougherty for one pic and Natalie Portman for the other.
Wow! You got great answers! I did that a while Charlotte Church, Kiera Knightly, and Sophie Marceau...oh I loved the results until they also concluded I looked like a Japanese dude and Jon Bon Jovi and Ashton Kutcher. The later two are cute but gee, I'm a WOMAN for goodness sake!
What FUN! I've never heard of it but I'm going there right now to try it... P.S. you asked why we're planting all the trees?.... My husband is a Consultant Forester and it's one of the services (AND my LEAST FAVORITE) that we provide to his clients....mostly farmers who have been paid by the government to let part of their farm ground return to natural hardwood forests.....I'm glad this is only a small part of his job, the rest is non-physical (unless you count brainwork!)
This is so addicting! LOL I finally did it and got Eva Longoria for me (How cool is that! Now if I can just get her bod to go with it), George Clooney for Hubster (YEAHY!), Kelly Clarkson for D, and K came up as Greta Garbo...I knew I was in trouble with her. LOL I'm still playing around with it, M, E, B and J left.....
I am carole lombard- married to jason biggs (my children are jimmy carter and kiera knightly-- yes they are both boys)
oh that is too tempting to pass up!!
I did this a while back... I kept getting men, lol.
For rude!
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