
Works For Me Wednesday on Monday

I know, it's early. I have a crazy week and I won't be able to post until late Sunday night or later. I will so miss my blogging friends this week (can you see me sobbing uncontrollably?)!!!!!

My WFMW involves spending some money online or at your local Spoons 'n Spice Kitchen Store, which is sort of like an IKEA for kitchen gadgets, only a slightly more pricey. You can also get it at it's home website. I have purchased MANY kitchen gadgets in my time, and this is the only one that I would endorse. It is called a chopstir. It claims on the packaging that it cuts the amount of time to brown ground meat almost in half. I support that claim 100%! I use it for ground turkey, ground beef, soups, tomatoes, caramelizing onions, crushing strawberries, juice concentrate (not at the same time of course), etc. It is made of a hard plastic that doesn't stain and doesn't melt. I leave it sitting on my browning meat while I do other things. This handy little gadget is a timesaver and a good conversation piece. And you can't beat the price of a whole $4.99.

With that I bid you goodbye and farewell (for about a week). I shall miss you all terribly! I can hardly wait until I can comeback and shamelessly lurk around all of your magnificent blogs!!! Hugs and kisses!!!


momofalltrades said...

How does it work? Ug! Sunday? I can't take the suspense! LOL Hurry back!

Blackeyedsue said...

Ity--I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL THURSDAY!!!! (I am jumping off couches) Woo-Woo!

Momofalltrades--it's great. You just stab your meat or whatever with it. It chops it into teny, tiny little uniform pieces that cook evenly. It is great for getting out aggression. I like to use it on nights my husband makes me angry.

Kara--Alas, I am not going anywhere. I got into a fight with my house and my house won. I am spring cleaning this week, taking major trips to Deseret Industries, visiting with a dear friend that I have not seen face-to-face in ages, going to a baby shower in Evanston, spending a day off with my mom and sisters shopping (dh has been working MAJOR hours--I NEED the break),doing cement work for our mow strip under our fence, preparing the garden, etc, etc, etc. Nothing exciting at all...just too much going on to spend time on my computer. Sigh.

Dawnyel said...

I want that crusher thingy!! That is awesome!!
How sad that you'll be gone....I know that I couldn't handle to much time away...I hope you can do better!! :D

Pam said...

I love this! And all for the rock-bottom price of $4.99, that's great!! I am going to get one of these.

smart mama said...

that is fun-- i need one-- have a productive week- we'll miss you-- just think of all the fun reading you'll have when you return

Elozia Marie said...

That is really a cool kitchen gadget, I'm going to have to look for one!

Nettie said...

Wow, busy week ahead for you! I don't have one of those stores nearby, although I'm sure I would love it if I did. Wonder if a potato masher would work as a substitute? Have a good time and we'll miss you!

Rachelle said...

I'll miss your blog! I'll have to check that gadget out!

The Domesticator said...

Have a good week.
Thanks for the tip!

Gabriela said...

I love kitchen gadgets! Thanks for the recommendation.

have a fun, productive, and safe week!

Sandra said...

That looks like an awesome gadget, wow.

Thanks for sharing, going to look into it :)

Lei said...

Aw, Stephanie... we'll miss you too!!!

I'm gonna have to get me one 'o them gadgets, too! Lol...

T!ff@ny said...

Cool gadget! Thanks for the tip!

JD said...

cool thingy what's her. I am trying to stay off great websites like these.

Btw thanks for the book suggestions.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.