
We have squatters

Looks like a normal wreath right?

Wrong. A family of red-headed finches have made our front door their home.

It's been interesting knocking on our front door before we open it.

If you come over, beware of the birds.


Elozia Marie said...
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Elozia Marie said...

Oh my gosh! Look at those precious little eggs!

The birds around here have been using my wreath ... pulling pieces out of it, then flying off to use the pieces in their nest elsewhere, lol.

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

We've ended up with squatters in our hanging planters the last several years. And you don't know they're there 'til you water the plants and a baby bird plops out. Gives me the skeeves every time.

Michelle said...

We had exactly the same thing happen at our Syracuse house! And it was a flowery wreath too! Only you are nicer than I was, I took the wreath down until they gave up!

Katherine said...

Love it. Be sure to post some pictures of the baby birds when they hatch too. We usually tee a robin's nest or two every year, but no finches. Too cool. I do have a resident woodpecker in my tree if your kids want to hear it come on over. Pretty cool... as long as it is not 4am :)

Jenn said...

Cute-- how fun will that be when they hatch. Be careful!!

Anonymous said...

Did they ever come back? Cute wreath by the way.

Sheree said...

Cute little eggs! I think that is every kid's dream come true. I hope no one in your house likes to slam the door.

Anonymous said...

that is so cool!

BigInJapan said...

We have watched the birds' "clutch" (group of eggs) grow to five over the last week! It has been so fun. I think they are Cassin's Finches. The birds are brownish and the male's head is red. Thanks for moving their home to a safe place, Steph.
