
Late Nights

I am going to let you in on a little secret.

Ready, okay.

I don't like going to bed.

If you look at my time stamp, you will see that it is almost 12:30 am. At least that is what the clocks in my house and on my computer say, who knows if it is accurate on blogger. I digress. I am up, and I am all alone and my house is quiet and I am eating a cookie that I made with Amelia tonight and NO ONE is asking me for a bite. No one needs me to run an errand, or feed them from my body, or bandage an owie, or do something with them because they are the oldest and feel like they got the short end of the stick.

At 12:30am, no laundry needs to be done, no garbage needs to be taken out, no beds need to be made, no vacuuming needs to be done.

It is quiet. With the exception of a train going by in the distance and the hum of the refrigerator, it is silent.

And so I stay up late, eating my cookie, drinking my water without backwash and wishing it was something harder and facing the realization that there are 73 days left until summer vacation is over and I don't have to make lunch with two children debating between apple jelly and grape jelly because mom is ONLY going to get out one from the fridge because she is nursing a baby while assembling the afore mentioned sandwiches.

Plus, my husband snores.


Andrea said...

I am part of the late night club also. I have always been a night person, but it has been an issue more recently since the kids have to leave for school so early in the morning. I stay up late and then feel grumpy in the a.m.

Late at night I get my second wind and really enjoy my time without demands from others. I get some things done, use the computer, throw in that next laundry load, read and sometimes snack (Eeeek-not helping me lose the baby weight).

I have been wanting to change my habits and head to bed earlier, but I just like it! Going to bed early for me is 10:30! I have been trying melatonin lately and that is helping.

My hubby snores, too. *sigh*

Tori :) said...

I'm with ya. I stay up to enjoy the coveted silence.

Bilary said...

You are a riot. But I am offended. I share my cookies with you - where was my invite to join you in the cookie eating last night?:( I dont snore - and I don't even chew loud. I wouldn't even talk to you (especially if you shoved a cookie or ten in my mouth!)

ellen said...

We are late night soul sisters! My best hours are between 10:00pm - 1:30am. Sometimes I'm up too late to call people on the west coast. That's when you know it's time for bed.

Company EIGHT said...

Ditto to every word you said.

Loving The Chaos said...

10:30pm to 12:00am is my favorite time of day! :) I get my best school work done at this time, I watch a movie, I sit and do absolutely nothing! :) And no one can say a word about it! :)

Thanks for the reminder of the me time I do get!

The Rookie said...

I am such a night owl and I don't even have kids as an excuse. There is something splendid about the quiet of night. Maybe its the cookies.

AimeeTheSuperMom said...

This is the number one reason my kids are always in bed by eight. That, and reality tv.

Shannon said...

I too enjoy staying up late. That is when I blog, get house work done, prepare for the next lesson in school, and watch T.V. (no cartoons!) You are hilarious and I am waiting for you to call to say that you are headed to Maddox. We really should get together soon.

utmommy said...

I don't like going to bed either. We are total night owls. Bad thing is, I don't get to sleep in.

Katherine said...

Amen to all of the above! but this week I do miss my kiddos.

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister!

Michelle said...

You know if we took a poll I bet you most of us blogging/crafting people are all up late together! I looooove my house when it is quiet and everyone is safely sleeping. I love to watch a chick flick and do a project or hop online. My kids finished school today and I am already for it to start again!

Michelle said...

Okay I can't find your email, and now I am dying to know where you went to hs too! Mail me, wmfw@msn.com!

Laurie said...

I am right there with ya! I too get my second wind after 10pm. I like that I have all this free time with no distractions.

Patti Price said...

I am a lurker, I am addicted to your hair blog. I am sitting here at 11:30 alone. I am in the club too. I usually go to bed around 1.
I love the quiet. It seems to be the only time that I can reflect on my day or do something for myself. Even if it is just reading/ writing in my blog.

Your blogs are really cool!

Ambrosia said...

We definitely have this in common! I love the way you write--it is a very pleasant storyteller style.