...Guess I'll Go Eat Worms
Our oldest daughter is going through a phase. Remember the "nobody likes me, everybody hates me...guess I'll go eat worms" song? That seems to be her theme song.
A couple of days ago she told me "I am trying to be good, but I just can't seem to be good anymore. Maybe I should go and live with another family" WHAT THE?!?!?!?
She is playing into DH sympathies as well. She gave him the same line only with the twist that she feels like her baby sister is the only one that loves her.
Tomorrow I am going to buy her a bucket of worms.
I remember that stage. It was no fun at all, because you truly BELIEVE it. My only advice is to heap lots of extra lovin' on her. And, get her that bucket of worms ... just in case the extra lovin' doesn't do the trick. :)
oh I totally remember those feelings!
I would give her extra lovin' and attention Like Jen suggests...
make her a mud cake with some gummi worms... nice and fun and messy!
she will get over this stage..
I LOVE your blog!
Oh gosh- I see that out of my middle child sometimes... he's my most sensitive and does need that extra love. But I gotta wonder how much he's "working" me under all that, too!
Oh yes, I remember that phase well. My friend's daughter is almost eight, and is going through the same "phase"...I hope she bounces out of it soon!
I don't know why girls have to go through that emotionally sensitive, insecure stage. It's not fair, and not fun!
I have zero advice. I wish I knew where she was coming from. Being a girl does stink sometimes. Up and down even when we are little.
I prayed for a you about a post that shall not be named :) ((Hugs))
Is she 6-ish? My oldest is doing that too and I'm SO hoping it's just a phase. She actually asked if I'd start sending her to daycare.
Hang in there!
LOL Some of the things that come out kids mouths!!! That is too funny. My 3 year old son said to me the other day (got this from me I am SURE of it).."Mommy...don't talk to me that way". I couldn't hold back from laughing.
Well- she's definitely female. Girls seem to have PMS at such early ages. I feel for her!! I like Lindsay's mud cake idea.
Hey there chick! So I've caught up on your blog...ALL ALONE hey? that sounds like heaven to me! I'd probably do housework too...mostly because you can get it done faster when no one's around to mess it up in an instant. I'd also paint...walls of my house. Did you get the organize stuff I sent you? I've sent it twice now...let me know. Your pictures are looking great! Love that one of your older daughter in the post below. And about her current woes...how old is she? She looks about the same age as my oldest. I remember feeling like that when I was little...I also remember doing it to get attention. It's a lose lose for a parent...I'll be coming to you if my daughter's start that up to ask your advice :o)
We are heaping the love on today. Hoping for a little "tude" adjustment.
**Thank you all of you that read my very personal post before I deleted it. There are some family members that read this and I realized that if I left it up I ran the risk of offending a lot of people. I didn't want to do that. I also think I wasn't ready to go that publically personal on my blog yet. Someday...I promise.
I appreciate all of your prayers and and thoughts. You guys are like my second family! I love every one of you!!!
I remember that stage! I don't remember how I got over it, but I did! Hopefully her bucket of worms stage doesn't last too long!
The gummi work cake is a good idea! Mine probably is about the age your daughter is and I know it is coming soon. The mopey-no-one-loves me stage. Your daughter is adorable though, and such a great picture.
You could go take her to that "How to Eat Fried Worms" movie. Maybe that would get her over the phase.
And since you asked for it, here's a link you might be interested in: http://shebooksit.typepad.com/hitting_the_ground_runnin/2006/03/a_year_ago_i_fe.html
Poor kid... hope you can jolly her out of it. It sounds like she needs "Hovering Mom" for a while. My middle son tends to fall into that trap a lot.
I read the "post that shall not be named" as well and I am right there with you. My experience happened to be right around the time when MMW was looking for guest posters. :) So guess where my post went?
By the way, you have email.
Hey I STILL go through that sometimes. I think it is just insecurity coming out for some reason. I remember that same feeling when I was little, except the little sister was my dog. I would cry and tell him that he was the only one that loved me. Give her a hug for me.!!
OH! and I tagged you over at my place!! Come check it out! :)
My eight year old is going through a similar stage and has been on it for about a year and a half. The problem is that the younger two are noticing and starting to do the same thing. There is not enough time in the day to deal with all three to help them through. Good luck to you.
I swear....EVERY girl I've EVER known has gone thru this stage! How funny that she's feeling so picked on and alone! Well, not necessarily funny-haha-funny, but remembering-those-feelings-and-thinking-back-to-how-dumb-they-were-funny.
And about that unmentionable post...I was thinking about you all day yesterday!! *hugs*
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