
Get Out of Town...

...And that is just what we did. Greetings all! I have missed my blogging world, but I forsook you all for this wonderful thing called "A Family Vacation". That’s right folks. We packed up the mini-van and headed to our first solo (meaning just us and the kids--no in-laws, friends, parents, or siblings) vacation since before the birth of dd#1. I HIGHLY recommend a vacation. No phone, no internet, no children's DVDs, no play dates...just us.

For this little excursion, we chose the far-away, mysterious land known as "Southern Utah". Yes siree, we chose our own backyard. I LOVE this land of canyon and desert. My parents took us there as kids and I want to share it with mine. This time around we chose beautiful Bryce Canyon.

If you choose to see this vista, there are a few tidbits of information that I should share with you:

First, be prepared for the altitude adjustment. My dh thought I was going to need a hearing aid by the time we arrived home. "What was that?" can only be asked a certain number of times before DH thinks you are a loon.

Second: Taking any child, no matter the age,
will inevitably end up with some attitude. "I'm hot" and "Let's go home (referring to the motel)" are common phrases with the less traveled age groups. See said attitude below.

Third, beware of the attack squirrels!!!!!!!!

Forth, no matter the incredible views of the vistas and wonders of nature. No matter the ease of the hikes. No matter the breathtaking scenery or the wonders you can only experience at Bryce Canyon. Your children will inevitably have the most fun at the motel pool or throwing rocks into a nearby stream.

Seriously guys, it was a blast. It was fun and peaceful and serene and joyful all rolled into one. I love my little family and each of their individual personalities. It was so much fun to get to know them all again. I forgot how silly and funny our serious dd#1 can be. She is usually so reserved and held back. It was so refreshing to see her let go. DD#2 is usually our loose cannon. She still is, but she smiled most of the trip and provided us with some HIGHLY amusing moments. DH was sweet and kind and it was perfection when he and I were able to just absorb our family and how much we all mean to each other. So I really mean it when I say "Get out of town!"


Super Happy Girl said...

Stephanie, welcome back. That first picture is beautiful!. I love Bryce Canyon, it's breathtaking.

It’s incredible I can see your blog at all (bonus: I can make a comment), Blogg*r has been horrible to everybody this week, you didn't miss anything, at all.

Dawnyel said...

I was wondering about you! I'm glad it was a family trip and not some other emergency! :) It sounds like you had fun and learned many important lessons for all of us! Family trips either bring out the best in us, or the worst...sometimes both!

Shhhhhhhh! said...

Glad you had such a wonderful time. You know it is amazing how close I live to Bryce Canyon and I have not been there in years. I guess I'll have to talk to DH about taking a trip there someday soon.

Nettie said...

Yay! I'm glad you are back and that you had such a fun trip! You made me homesick for camping in Southern Utah, though! (Will we get to see the rest of the pictures later, I hope?)

Theresa said...

Beautiful pics...my favorite is the attitude one. We went to the Grand Canyon recently and that's all my 3 yr. old said was "let's go back to the hotel". Gotta love it, but the trip is so worth it I know! Glad your back and had a safe trip.

P.S. I'm going to squash blogger if it doesn't quit acting up already!

Valarie said...

That sounds fabulous! Maybe we need to spend a little more time just hanging out on our next trip.

utmommy said...

Your pictures look so pretty. I've always wanted to go there. Maybe someday we will, I'm sure it's not too far from good ole' Spanish Fork.

I missed your blog,I love reading it. By the way, I changed mine to Just the Six of Us, in case you want to stop by.

Anonymous said...

This is what I love about blogging!! what a fun adventure!! and now everyone can share in your fun!!

Jane said...

Looks like you had a great trip too. And Oh my heck how cool it would of been to hook up at Cove Fort. You really should stop there sometime, it is a neat place.

How come blogger let you add pictures, but it won't let me?? No Fair!

Welcome back--

Blackeyedsue said...

So I have discovered the trick. One has to be VEEEEERRRRY sneaky with Blogger these days and it involves copious amounts of time.

Blogger will only let me add a picture a day it seems, and only to a new post. So I get very sneaky. I pretend I am going to do a new post and I upload my photo. I cut it, open a new window to my dashboard and hurry and stick it into my edited version of my post. NOT fun I know...more time than I would like to spend. I would rather be blog hopping than picture pasting. What is going on with Blogger?!?!?

The Domesticator said...

It looks like you had a wonderful time. The photos are just gorgeous! I'll have to think about Utah sometime for a vacation.
Welcome Back! I leave myself today for vacation. Perhaps I'll post some pics like you did.

Millie said...

That is such a beautiful place. We went in May '98 and it was just hot enough. We stayed in one of Kanab's three motels and had a blast.

Good to have you back! Your girls are gorgeous!

Gabriela said...

I love Southern Utah. It is so beautiful. Glad you had a good time! And, glad you are back!

Gina said...

Welcome back! I missed you!

Great post, great pictures! I can't wait to show Liam Southern Utah too!

Thanks for the breath of fresh air... I miss family vacations.

Mall Worker said...

I'm glad you guys had a fantastic time! I just loved the pictures!

Dawnyel said...

Just a quick thank you for your blogger dodging tip!! I had 4 posts for today, just so I could have all of the pics I wanted up, but after reading your advice...I was able to shrink it down to ONE!! YAY!! Thanks!!

Lei said...

Welcome back! Those are some incredible pics! And I love your title - my grandpa says it all the time. :)

Rachelle said...

It looks like you had a great time!