
Ode to T

Happy Birthday little T. You are two now and I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. You were a stubborn little thing that waited and waited to come out until you were absolutely ready. I should have known then. Heavenly Father blessed you with a strong personality. You do things in your own time and in your own way. You have such strength for such a small body.
I love your enthusiasm, your smile, your silliness, the way you laugh at the world. I love that you love your me-me (pacifier), Elmo, Strawberry N0-cake, milk (water), the way you can't pronounce l's or r's yet, your blonde hair, the way you get excited to see your big sister come home from school, your manners, the way you fold your arms for the prayer, your love (obsession) with books, how you tease me, how you have to have "hug/kiss" every night before I leave your room, how you sneak into our bed at 4:00 in the morning to snuggle, how you say cheese when I take your picture but won't look at the camera...this list could go on forever.

I love you blue eyes. I am so lucky to be your mom.


The Domesticator said...

And she is lucky to have such a caring mom...Happy birthday to your little cutie!

Shhhhhhhh! said...

What a wonderful tribute to your little one. And Happy Birthday to her. :)

Zoe said...

She is so precious!! We must set her up with Myles when they are older!! Why can't they stay small forever?

Nettie said...

Awwwwww, T is 2! Happy Birthday!

Dawnyel said...

So sweet!! Happy birthday to her...and to her mommy! :)

smart mama said...

so darling