
Works For Me Wednesday #2

Here is the second edition of Works For Me Wednesday from Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer. I have never found a mousepad that I have fallen in love with. I have seen darling ones with cute puppies, black & white photos of children, beautiful landscapes, etc. But I have never found one that just screams "I need to be under your mouse!!!" I have a laser mouse and although it moves just fine on my desktop, if a pesky crumb makes its way under, my cursor arrow becomes possessed and floats across the screen all by itself. A while back this strange phenomenon happened again. I had to do something about it. I had a cute box that was covered in a toile and I placed the mouse on that. It worked so well with the fabric, but it was too tall. I searched my craft room for a solution, when VOILA!!! I grabbed an unused frame and some fabric to match my desk, covered the backing with a scrap of white fabric and then the gold fabric...this is what happened. Finally, something that looked like it should belong to me. Simple. I love seasonal decorations and I switch out the fabric as the season calls. I can't wait to put my tea-dyed 4th of July fabric in next. This works for me. My mouse won't mysteriously float across the screen again!


Chaotic Mom said...

This is a really neat idea! Might help my kids to keep the mouse in one area, learn how to pick it up and move it around better, too! ;)

Dawnyel said...

You are so much more crafty than I am!! I love the idea!! If I was more motivated I might try the same thing...but I'm not...so I won't! :)

Aunt Murry said...

OMGoodness! What a cute idea! I love crafty stuff!!!

Sandra said...

That's a great idea. YOu could even do different fabrics and designs and just switch them out whenever you felt like it.

Thanks for sharing, I think I'm definitely doing this, I don't like my mousepad LOL

Kim from Hiraeth said...

I love this idea! I am definitely going to do this one!

Rachelle said...

What a great idea! I am so totally doing this!

Diane Viere said...

What a great idea! My mouse pad is looking a little pathetic these days...maybe it's time for a change!


Shalee said...

Very creative, and you used something that even someone like me can figure out...

Pam said...

Cool, cool idea! I love the idea of being able to change it seasonally and that it looks almost . . . elegant, if you can describe a mouse pad as such.

Shannon said...

Very cute idea...mmmmmm wonder if the husband wouldn't mind gaming at night with a mouse pad covered in little puppies??? LOL

Gabriela said...

Wow. You are way crafty! It looks so cool.

Nettie said...

I'm in awe! The most classy mousepad I've ever seen!

kelly jeanie said...


The Domesticator said...

You are one clever gal! :)
Thanks for the tip. Great idea.

smart mama said...

good idea- i am sick of the ugly black dell one that stares back at me

Amber said...

You are so crafty!! Cute!

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